The Art of Organization: A Peek into Our Lab Life
In our lab, we believe in the mantra, "Label the label maker!"
All jokes aside, starting out with a well-organized system has always been a top priority for me. I found myself in lab environments, where I had to search for hours if I needed specific chemicals - sometimes in vain. This was so frustrating and slowed down my research progress.
I promised myself that when I start a lab, I will have a well-thought-out system and implement it from the beginning.
Introducing our label maker: From our strains to our equipment, and even our inventory, everything is well organized. We use QR codes to link to our things, be able to search for chemicals, book our equipment within the group (and have fun).
This not only makes our science more efficient but also adds a dash of fun to our everyday work! I may or may not have spent a significant part of my afternoon playing with our newest gadget and sticking labels on every possible thing in the lab. After quite a long time of trying to figure out the label-design language, I felt that I truly deserved this little treat.
But hey, who's counting? So, what are the fun gadgets in your lab/life? I'd love to hear about them! Let's inspire each other and make science even more exciting!